Aspire Black Suffolk is working in partnership with the Ipswich Opportunity Area (IOA) and Suffolk County Council to deliver free training sessions for teachers, community group leaders and other educators on diversity and inclusion, and anti-racist practices.
Part of Aspire's latest school project, Human Stories Suffolk, the community interest company's experts are supporting educators in developing knowledge in diversity within their settings and in the effective teaching of Black history, which requires certain skills.
Monday 4 July 10am-3pm
University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, 19 Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ
Ellisha Soanes, award-winning diversity consultant, will be joined by fellow diversity experts:​
Liz Pemberton, director of the Black Nursery Manager Training and Consultancy and social media influencer.
Bex Bothwell O'Hearn, director of Loud & Proud Education Ltd, teacher of history and politics, and founder of Suffolk Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Network.
Aisha Thomas, founder of Representation Matters.
Left to right: Photos of Aisha, Bex and Liz.
To register for online or in-person training, go to this form.
Find out more about Aspire's work and the Suffolk tour of the award-winning Power of Stories exhibition.